May 24, 2024
What would it feel like to forget about money for one whole day? - seriously.
The freedom.
The relief.
The liberation.
The expansion.
The spaciousness.
The JOY.
This is what happens when you take your eyes off money, and all the different ways to call it in.
Its like when you lose your keys, and no matter how hard you focus on finding them, you cant. But once you move away from looking, and go experience your life, you find your keys.
Not looking for money, creates the space for money to find you.
Learning to feel the internal experiences connected to the life you want to live, acts as a beacon, guiding money on its journey of finding you.
Take your eyes off money, focus on the feelings associated with the life you want to live, follow those feelings and money will find you.
Now go.
Stop looking.
Liberate yourself.
Lets open this conversation, and really see how your body feels about this?