Jul 5, 2024
Your limiting beliefs are not the issue. I know, I know, you've been told otherwise for so long.
I am not saying you stop working on rewiring your beliefs around money...no keep doing it, if you feel the motivation and devotion to do so.
BUT, you must know that doing limiting belief work on its own is not enough to shift your relationship to money, so you can attract, hold and circulate more.
A limiting belief, is a story your mind created, when the body felt an uncomfortable emotion, to help make sense of the feelings.
In this case, your body had a past experience that involved money (directly or indirectly), so in order to help you deal, your mind created a story like "money creates conflict".
Now, if you want to dissolve that belief, working on the belief itself isnt going to do a huge amount.
You have to get to the source. To the emotion(s) that fuelled the belief in the first place.
Return back to the memory of that past experience and truly FEEL and RELEASE those emotions. Let them out.
As a result, you create the space to call forward desired emotions that you want to associate with money.
THEN, a new belief can form, thats fuelled by these new desired emotions.
So, its not the limiting belief thats stopping you attracting aligned amounts of money, its the emotions that fuel the limiting belief, that block you from money!
Release the emotions, attract the money.
So dive into the episode, listen to the process, then get yourself inside MONEY, the breathwork experience!