Jul 30, 2019
Oh man! You are going to LOVE this episode! We are talking about how fear can create a differentl kid of certainty in your that can sabotage your growth. Its the kind of certainty that will stop you becoming the confident women you are here to be!! Grab your journals, pour a cuppa (or beer!) and dive in!
Jul 23, 2019
The comparison trap has caught many of us! We are constantly benchmarking ourselves against others and evaluating ourselves based off the achievements of others! Its time to put a stop to this, and start cultivating self assurance and contentment with where we are now! In this episode you will learnt he 8-step...
Jul 17, 2019
Does fear often influence the decisions you make? Do you end up getting an outcome you didnt desire? Does fear negatively impact your relationship and how you behave? Well NO MORE! In this episode we talk about the truths behind fear and I gift you an impactful yet simple tool to begin stepping over fear!!
Jul 9, 2019
Are these big three impacting your confidence? Are they coming between you and your partner? Well, not anymore. you deserve to have your confidence back and in this episode you are going to learn HOW! HINT: You will need your journal!! Enjoy!
Jul 2, 2019
"Whats the difference between jealousy and anxiety?". I get asked this a lot, and in todays episode I am going to break it down for you. I'll provide you with tools to overcome jealous thoughts so you can feel confident in yourself & your relationships.