Aug 25, 2020
Theres one mistake we are all making when it comes to attracting the abundance we DESIRE. Its a block. Its preventing you from opening the flood gates to all the abundance available to you. Inside this episode we will unblock you and so you can finally feel wild, sexy + wealthy. Its time! Be prepare to have your enitre...
Aug 18, 2020
This week youre in for a treat! I have pulled the audio from one of the incredible modules inside Awaken The Feminine, my 7-day activation course! Inside you will learn about why some relationships feel challenging, how to communicate effectively, and how to up the attraction in your relationship! This will create...
Aug 11, 2020
What would it mean to you, if you could live a life feeling turned on? What would change? How would you behave? In this episode I am sharing what "turned on" means in relationship to feminine energy. We are moving into a new paradigm and its time to get turned on and live a life lead by the electric feminine energy!