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Feel It First Podcast

Nov 24, 2020

Our sense of worthiness is getting dragged through the dirt because we are attaching it to the opinions and decisions of others. Its time to learn how to create your own proof that you are worthy. To build your sense of belonging and confidence within yourself. In this episode we talk about self devotion practices, and...

Nov 16, 2020

This is the key to activating your magnetism, your feminine essence and living a life beyond your dreams. Understanding that it is safe for you have selfish desires, ones that are for you only! No more hiding, feeling guilty or experiencing shame. Its time to say these true desires out loud and let them guide you.

Nov 9, 2020

We really put ourselves through the works when we compare ourselves to old or past identities. We yearn to be who we used to be, we yearn for the energy of our 21 yo self, we yearn for the social skills we had then etc. But at what cost? We end up feeling like we arent good enough in the present? I explore this in...

Nov 3, 2020

Learning to listen and trust your intuition is an ART. Leaning into and decoding your own energy is an ART. In this episode I am sharing with you the big mistake I made in October in business, that impacted me energetically and financially. I am SO grateful to have learned this, and that I am able to share this with...