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Feel It First Podcast

Nov 24, 2022

As feminine beings we struggle so hard with asking to have our needs, wants and desires met. We would rather muscle through then receive the support we so truly need. As women we have forgotten how much more in overflow we are when we are feeling supported. So inside this episode, I unpack all of this with you...


Nov 18, 2022

This is a highly requested episode! Inside I breakdown what it looks like to hold onto the toxic need for independence in your relationship, and the impact it can have on growing your connection. This is something I experienced, and I share with you how it effected my husband and I. Its time to let the masculine rise...

Nov 4, 2022

The way we descibe ourselves, becomes the very thing we believe about who we are. As a result our actions become aligned with the belief and life unfolds to match. Inisde this episode, I share with you a way you might be describing yourself that could be preventing you from living how you truly desire. Let this activate...