Jan 27, 2023
Youre trying to tell them how you feel, but all you get is a blank face, and in that moment you know they have shut down. Inside this episode, I give you some tangible steps to help you prevent your partner from shutting down. This is going to create deeper connection and lasting emotional intimacy. Enjoy!
Jan 20, 2023
This episode will give you an almighty aha moment. A realization that will break you away from those old patterns of hiding how you feel. This episode will be the one that ensures youre always saying how you feel, and not dulling down your expression. No more avoid showing how you really feel because youre afraid of the...
Jan 8, 2023
I think theres so much noise out "there" about how to achieve confidence and to feel really certain within yourself. I believe that theres only ONE way to experience true self confidence, and what I share with you in this episode is applicable to ALL human beings. If you master this, your confidence will feel...
Jan 7, 2023
I think we can all raise a hand and admit that jealousy has taken over us one too many times. Witnessing others gain something that we want but dont have yet. Watching someone have the relationship that your heart craves. Observing that woman hit over $50k months in business. Jealousy is normal...and powerful. But when...